Is It Better To Chat Instead Of Calling Customer Care?

Are You A Texter Or A Caller? Every day, we text friends, family, and coworkers much more than we talk to them. There is a wide range of apps supporting people to chat, such as Viber, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and so on.  Some people may prefer the immediacy of callings while others like… Continue reading Is It Better To Chat Instead Of Calling Customer Care?

When Is The Best Time To Send Automatic Messages To Facebook Subscribers?

No one can deny the world’s leading provider software position of Facebook Messenger. And Automatic Messages (Broadcast) play a very important role nowadays.  With all the practical experience and research, we gonna share the core value with you! Follow and apply these tips and tricks, you’ll find yourself on a sky-high engagement and sales via… Continue reading When Is The Best Time To Send Automatic Messages To Facebook Subscribers?