Release 1.2.5: Search Customers by Email Now


No more scrolling through endless lists or wasting time trying to find the right person. With our latest update, you can quickly and easily find the customer you’re looking for.

Let’s dive into what’s new!


Now, you can search for a specific email address directly from the search box in your agent interface.

No more scrolling through endless conversations trying to find the one you’re looking for. Just type in the email address and voila! You’ll be able to swiftly locate and review the conversation history with that customer.

We know that providing personalized and efficient support is important to you, and this improvement is designed to help you do just that. So go ahead and give it a try. We think you’ll love it!

Bug fix

  • Fixed a bug that was causing message duplication when communicating with customers through Instagram.
  • Fixed the bug where agents were unable to create a new Web hook key. Now you can create new Webhook keys to connect with other apps.
  • Now, when you send a product to your customers, the pricing format will not display the “,00” portion of the price if there are no cents. This will provide a clearer and more understandable pricing format for your customers.
  • Fixed the issue where there was too much space between messages sent by agents in the inbox. The unexpected gap has been removed to create a more compact conversation view.
  • Fixed an issue where the search function was not displaying all relevant conversations containing the keyword. Now, when you search for a specific keyword, all conversations containing that keyword will be displayed, allowing you to quickly find and access relevant conversations.
  • Fixed the issue where users were unable to upgrade their account after being automatically downgraded due to a failed charge. Now, if your account is downgraded after a trial period or due to a failed charge, you can re-upgrade to a premium plan by entering your payment method.
  • Fixed the issue where Shopify users encountered errors during onboarding. Enjoy a fast and smooth setup process!

That’s all for this release! We hope you find these updates helpful and we’re always working to improve our product for you.

If you have any feedback or run into any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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