Release 1.2.3: Inbox, Billing & AI Automation Enhancements


We are excited to announce the release of Chative version 1.2.1. This update addresses several bug fixes and enhancements to improve the agent and end-user experience. This release focuses on resolving issues related to the Inbox area, billing, live chat functionality, AI automation, and UI/UX.


We have focused heavily on improving the reliability and usability of the inbox in this release:

  • Agent note privacy: Agent notes added to social conversations are now kept entirely private and not shown to customers, maintaining confidentiality.
  • Search experience: The search bar automatically clears any previous search terms when you switch organizations in the app. This prevents stale search results and confusion.
  • Message status indicators: Message send status indicators have been made more accurate to avoid confusion on whether a message was successfully sent.
  • Latest messages on top: An issue was fixed that caused the inbox not to show the most recent messages when returning to it consistently. Now the newest messages reliably appear first.
  • Profile icon visibility: The profile icon in the inbox area now remains visible even on smaller screens under 13 inches for easy access.
  • Cross-device sync: Conversations now sync read status across your phone, tablet, and desktop. No matter which device you view a chat on, it reads indicator updates on all others.
  • Reopening closed conversations: We’ve improved the experience when reopening previously closed conversations to prevent the messaging window from automatically closing again.
  • Optimized long names: The inbox better handles customer names of all lengths with improved display capabilities.


We focused on bolstering reliability in the billing system:

  • Trial extensions: 7-day trials now seamlessly extend to 30 days when a payment method is added, preventing unintended early charges.
  • Estimate accuracy: Billing estimate calculations were fixed to properly update when members are removed, avoiding overcharges.

Live Chat

Key live chat components saw boosts in usability:

  • Full conversation history: We’ve enabled live chats to now load your entire back-and-forth dialogue instead of just recent messages. Now you can conveniently reference the complete discussion.
  • Clickable links in message reply: Another pain point resolved – Save time and streamline your workflow by clicking links in customer messages directly, even when responding to specific agent messages. No more copying and pasting is required!

Automation Control

More intelligent automation rules and stability additions:

  • AI Assistant continuity assurance: We’ve implemented bot re-run logs as a temporary safeguard to prevent disruptions from overloaded knowledge bases. Now, you can keep an eye on the bot responsiveness and fine-tune its performance.
  • Enhanced rule conditions:
    • Triggering messages when customers send a message within or after more than 1 minute since their last message allows the system to respond promptly or take necessary action based on timing.
    • Enhanced rule conditions now include ‘Message content contains any of…’ to effectively process messages with specific content.
    • Synchronized the list of tags available in workflow settings with your Chative account, ensuring consistent and easy tag selection when configuring workflow rules.

Visual Improvements

In addition to feature upgrades, we’ve addressed some cosmetic issues for a more polished user experience.

  • Properly positioned arrows: Arrow icons throughout the platform now appear crisply in line instead of misaligned or skewed.
  • Refined footer spacing: The footer Powered by Chative message has updated padding to provide the right amount of separation from other UI elements.
  • Enhanced readability of forms: We’ve tweaked text color in offline lead capture forms from grey to high-contrast black. Now these editable fields stand out clearly.

Special Thanks for User Reports

Huge thanks to our users for reporting platform issues that we’ve addressed:

  • Category name editing now has proper spacing between icons and text
  • Removed excess whitespace after bolded text in upgrade popups
  • Keywords using the “contains any” rule now require double quotes around message text to avoid misinterpretation
  • Activate/deactivate toggles and delete option dots are now correctly right-aligned

We highly value users taking the time to catch UI/UX imperfections. Your attention to detail helps us continuously improve. Please keep the constructive feedback coming!

If any other elements feel visually disjointed or can be streamlined, let our team know as we aim for a seamless design. User reports are invaluable for optimizing the experience.

By Amelia Carter

I love discovering solutions that actually work.

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