Delight Your Customers On The Go Using Live Chat Mobile App

Delightful customer experience!

Every business wants to live by this motto at all times. However, is it feasible? What are the statistics?

  • US businesses lose $62 billion annually due to poor customer service.
  • If a customer’s purchasing experience is too challenging, 74% of them will move to a different product on the market.
  • 51% of customers who have had a bad experience with a company won’t use them again.
  • Due to poor customer service, more than half of Americans decide against making a scheduled purchase.

How do you shine in such situations? How can you ensure that your customers are happy at all times? Or perhaps not at all?

These inquiries may seem to place you in a difficult situation. But, using a live chat mobile app makes them simple to deal with. If you already used live chat software to connect and communicate with your customers, all you need to do to provide support at all times is download the app to your Android or iOS phone.

Your customers will likely fall in love with your brand thanks to the courteous agents and round-the-clock customer service. Additionally, there are other reasons you should download the live chat application and request that your agents use it at all times.

Let’s explore the reasons now!

How a live chat mobile app benefits your sales and support team

Source: Appinventiv

Increasing website engagement

It can be challenging to keep website visitors interested if they can’t find the service or item they are looking for while browsing the site. If no agents can answer their questions immediately, this gets more difficult.

However, the live chat mobile app loses all credibility in this circumstance.

Even if they aren’t at their desks, your support staff can still reply to customers’ inquiries in real-time. The mobile app’s ability to view:

  • How many talks are started by their customers?
  • The number of open chats that need responses
  • How many chats are controlled by other team members? 

… and more. With such a thorough view, you can gain advantages like:

  • See more website engagement
  • Observe an increase in client satisfaction
  • Keep more clients and raise the brand value

After-Hours Product Sales

The live chat mobile app enables you to accomplish everything from booking a hotel to selling goods anytime, anywhere. Your employees may effortlessly guide consumers through the sales funnel with a chat app. 

  • More accessibility to your company after regular business hours
  • Increased overall sales and more potential consumers
  • More contented clients

Aids in constant customer communication

According to a Salesforce survey, more than 70% of customers want a consistent experience with the brand they are identified with.

In other words, your customers always want unlimited communication channels. And what better tool than a mobile chat app to accomplish this? Your consumers will receive timely assistance. Such prompt customer service results in:

  • Delighted clients
  • Better conversion rates and leads

Make your team’s job simple

You make your support team’s job easier by considering a live chat integrated with a mobile app. Your agents no longer need to log into their accounts and start their computers to see which conversations need immediate attention.

The smartphone app will save the day.

Mobile app allows them to:

  • Determine which support agent is in charge of which conversation.
  • Watch over current talks and offer assistance when necessary.
  • Respond to consumer inquiries immediately
  • Send conversations to another support agent.
  • Check how many chats still require a response.

These advantages support operators by:

  • Continually engage your audience
  • Increased output
  • Increase brand awareness

Bottom line

You contribute to the expansion of your company by using live chat software. After all, the program enables you to:

  • Desktop-level support and engagement designed for mobile app
  • Provide a seamless experience for users across devices
  • Never miss an opportunity to connect.
  • Provide superb customer service anytime and anywhere.
  • Leave your desk without the fear of missing out on a potential sale

However, performing these tasks continuously is a constant struggle for everyone. Do not fret; a live chat mobile app will simplify handling this ongoing difficulty.

There is no chance your customers won’t be pleased with your support services with these and other advantages. Customers will undoubtedly remember your brand with on-the-go experience, which will benefit your company’s development. So, to keep your customers happy, download your live chat mobile app immediately!

Download Chative mobile app for free now!

By Kate Tran

Kate Tran is a story-teller and a marketer at Chative. Her passion is to bring knowledge of chatbot trends to everyone. Despite of her busy schedule, she always makes time to read novels at the weekend.

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