The 8 Best Canned Responses To Deliver Prompt Customer Service

In a customer service team, responding to inquiries quickly and with the top ratings can earn you all the social respect you require. Canned responses are helpful in this situation.

Canned responses have two uses:

  • Improve the live chat experience by allowing your chat workers to respond immediately.
  • Speed up the live chat process for your employees, saving them time and enabling you to assist more clients each day.

Canned responses can, however, lead to a poor user experience if used carelessly, so be sure to read the tips and techniques section.

The Top Chat Canned Response Examples

Greetings message / Welcome message

“Greetings, [Customer Name]

I appreciate you getting in contact. My name is [Agent Name], and today I will be helping you. Give me a moment to consider your question.”

Similarly, here’s one for questions from visitors:

“Hello, and thanks for coming to [Website Name]! I’m [Agent name] and I’ll help you out today.”

You can’t start a conversation without introducing yourself, can you? To offer diversity to repeat consumers, save a few distinct variations.

“This is where you can find our return policy: [URL]”

Keep track of the links that your clients frequently request so you can swiftly point them in the direction of the page they need.


Let’s say you purposefully exclude or conceal your pricing page from your website. Customers frequently inquire about rates, so it is wise to be prepared with an answer in advance.

  • “Hey,

Your needs and the extent of the job will determine our fees. Would you like to speak with our representative over a quick phone conversation to discuss your needs?”

  • “Hello, I’m happy that you’re considering [Product Name]. Our plans range from [Plan Price] for [Features] to [Advanced Plan Price] if [Advanced Features] is required.

Do you have any further questions concerning our plans?”

Closing a chat

“Thank you, and good luck with the rest of your day.”

It is appropriate to respond when a customer bids you farewell. But if you’ve repeated it a hundred times during your shift, it could be hard to maintain your excitement and friendliness. To make things simpler, use a canned response.

Feature Requests

People usually inquire about particular features in firms where features are crucial. Having a thorough response ready in such situations is a prudent move.

Listing all the feature requests is another smart move. Later, when developing customer-centric products, you might consult that list.

The following are a few possible answers to the question: Do you have [X] feature?

  • “We do, indeed. Our [Plan-1] has X and elements like Y and Z.

Unfortunately, X is not something we currently offer. But we’re launching it the following month. Do you want to be notified when it happens?”

  • “We’re sorry, but [Feature] is not available. Our product manager and I just spoke, and we don’t have any immediate plans to deploy.”

Offer discounts

If you have an online store, you presumably conduct numerous promotional campaigns. To remember unique offers and discount codes at a later time, save them as programmed responses.

Write a scripted answer for those chat inquiries, whether or not you have coupons for them.

  • “Absolutely! Use [Discount Code-1] to receive 20% off orders up to $100 on a selection of items, or [Discount Code-2] to receive 30% off orders over $250.”
  • “We apologize, but there are currently no discounts available. But if you purchase goods for $100 or more, I’ll be delighted to provide a unique code good for a 10% discount from my side.”
  • “At this time, we don’t provide any discounts. If you’re hoping for a deal, go to the store in December.”

Asking for feedback

To improve customer service and experience, it is essential to get client input. Additionally, it’s a fantastic place to end the live chat.

  • “I appreciate your patience, [Name]. I’m glad I could be of service. Could you please give me a brief review of your experience for me? This is the link: [CSAT Study]”
  • “You and I had a terrific conversation, [Name]! Would you mind taking a moment to provide some feedback on the assistance you just received?”


Sincerely apologizing for the mistake the agent or the company made is a live chat best practice. And you can create canned responses for common mistakes like delayed responses, late shipping, website downtime, etc.

  • “Sorry I couldn’t respond quicker, [Customer Name]. Give me a minute while I look at your query. And thanks for your patience!”
  • “Sorry for the trouble. We’re fixing the [issue] right now. It should be set by [ETA], but we’ll update you if it happens sooner”

How to create canned response in Chative

From the canned response settings

Step 1: Prepare your pre-written messages and save them in Settings

Create your canned response in Settings

Step 2: To use a canned response in chat, click on the Canned Response icon and choose the message you want to send to your customer.

Insert an appropriate canned response to your message

Directly from the chat

Or if you find yourself sending the same reply yet another time, you can save it with just one click.

Step 1: After responding to the customer’s query, click the Save as canned response icon while your mouse is over your message.

Step 2: A pop-up box will appear where you may alter the message. Finally, to keep changes, hit Create

Save your message as a canned response in Inbox

Final Thought

When appropriately utilized, canned responses are one of the best options to raise team productivity KPIs and improve customer happiness.

With the examples of prefabricated responses discussed above, you can interact with customers by sending them precise and quick answers.

Join Chative to increase team efficiency while helping your customers respond promptly to their questions.

By Kate Tran

Kate Tran is a story-teller and a marketer at Chative. Her passion is to bring knowledge of chatbot trends to everyone. Despite of her busy schedule, she always makes time to read novels at the weekend.

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